Antispoofing logs consistently show that emails originating from these IP's are considered spoofed: ,12:56:37,665,1,"#00002d08","#000004fc","info ","ase_antispoofing","Connecting IP " This may be particular to our environment due to the nature of our business and the tremendous email volume, so a smaller company may have success with it.Internal emails are marked as spoofed in an Exchange and 0ffice 365 hybrid environment. It is inexcuseable for software this poorly functioning to be marketed and sold at the price they are requesting. We were saved by our endpoint antivirus software, mercifully, when an email spoofing our domain recently was sent to nearly every user in the company simultaneous attached with a crypto payload in a word doc. It is an absolute embarassment of a product that is humiliating to our department - we've switched to Mimecast which we hopefully plan to implement in the next few weeks. Where to begin? Extraordinarily limited anti-spam, anti-spoof and antivirus engines cause so much spam to waltz through on an hourly basis.

This is not the fault of their support, but instead limitations of the software itself. Support is fairly responsive, but I have not once had a serious issue resolved by them and isntead referred to their published knowledge base myself. Oh, that email address your manager asked you to whitelist still isn't being allowed through? Better make sure you hit 'apply' in both areas, including the more hidden one not readily apparent from the section you enter the email address. I suppose the management interface is generally intuitive, though something as simple as whitelisting an individual address or domain can be stupidly cumbersome.